Used Nintendo Game Boy Console

Released in the 90s, the Nintendo Game Boy console is still one of the best-selling portable consoles of all time. There’s little need to describe this legendary console, which redefined gaming for a whole generation.
Available in many different iterations, the console’s simple and well-balanced features make the Game Boy a reliable machine that is still sought after by retro gaming enthusiasts. The 2.6-inch LCD screen without backlighting, combined with a motherboard and an 8-bit processor, gives it an average battery life of 20 hours!
There are several iterations in the Game Boy series of consoles and more than one special edition of the original iconic handheld. The Neokyo website allows you to buy your console second-hand in Japan and then import it safely to your country.

The descendants of the original Game Boy console

The Game Boy Pocket

In 1996, faced with the decline in sales of the original Game Boy console, Nintendo decided to launch the production of a new, smaller console compared to the first model designed by the same team.
Although its size was reduced by 30%, the Game Boy Pocket has a larger screen and requires only 2 batteries to operate instead of 4 for its big sister. As with the original console, this series comes with many accessories such as a portable external power supply to replace the batteries, or a magnifying glass with backlight to be fixed to the front panel to better see the gameplay.

The Game Boy Light

Only sold in Japan at the time, this particular evolution of Nintendo's first handheld console has only one outstanding feature: It has a backlight that allows it to be used at night. It is also possible to deactivate this function to gain additional battery power, like the standard console. The Game Boy Color (or GBC)
At the end of 1998, the Game Boy Color handheld console was released, which was to usher Nintendo into the era of next-generation products. The Game Boy Color is equipped with a color screen, an 8 MHz processor and 32 KB of memory.
The backward compatibility of the system allows the GBC to play classic Game Boy titles on the better version of the system.

The Game Boy Advance (or GBA)

The Game Boy Advance was launched in June 2001. Its new processor allows improved the playability of old games, but also to see new flagship titles from Nintendo arrive on the portable console. Some of the most iconic portable games of all time were available only on Game By Advance.
The SP version of the GBA, which reduces the size of the console by making it foldable improved some basic functionalities and was one of the last consoles to have backwards compatibility with Game Boy Color games.

The Game Boy Micro

The Micro, which is only 10 cm long and 5 cm wide, is the last console of the Game Boy brand. The brightness of its screen makes it rather pleasant to use. It’s very popular in Japan, and is highly sought after by collectors due to its relatively short release window.

Buy your Game Boy with Neokyo

Since 2007, Neokyo has allowed you to purchase many items directly from Japanese online stores. Whether you're a retro console collector or one of those many gamers who are nostalgic for the great Game Boy era, we can help you in your quest.
Some consoles are only sold in Japan, so you'll have no choice but to buy them through an import site. Neokyo's many buying centers provide an efficient way to find them, and thanks to auctions, you can bid on rare products and get the best price.
Type the name of the Game Boy you want in the search bar and NeoKyo will find it for you with your permission. A quote will be sent to you, and if you accept it, after payment, you will receive your item at home. You can even find a special edition for not too much money!

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