On July 5, 2024, Hololive Productions and MLB’s Los Angeles Dodgers teamed up for “Hololive Night. This event attracted the attention of many fans as the first collaboration between a VTuber and Major League...
My Hero Academia is a shonen manga created by Kohei Horikoshi and serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump from 2014 to 2024. The story is set in a world where people have supernatural powers (Quirks)...
Trading Card Games (TCGs) are a very multifaceted form of entertainment. These games are more than just fun; they are also a means of socializing with friends and family. In this article, we explore...
“Chrono Cross” is an RPG for PlayStation released by Square (now Square Enix) in 1999 and is still loved by many fans. In this article, we will introduce the appeal of Chrono Cross and...
Hololive is a VTuber (virtual YouTuber) agency operated by Cover Inc. The company boasts global popularity, with branches not only in Japan but also in Indonesia and English-speaking countries. Hololive’s VTubers offer a wide...
In the first half of 2024, the anime world was abuzz with a wide variety of works. From sequels to popular works to new highlights, there is no shortage of works that are sure...
The world of K-pop is constantly evolving, and its dynamic energy and appeal attract many fans across generations. In particular, young idols have recently debuted one after another, attracting attention with their talent and...
K-pop (Korean pop) continues to attract fans around the world with its dynamic musical style and engaging performances, starting with H.O.T and Fin.K.L in the early 1990s, followed by TVXQ, Super Junior, and Girls’...
Recently, “Kaiju No.8” has taken the world of anime and manga by storm. It has gained a large number of fans not only in Japan but also abroad, especially because of its unique storyline...
Sofmap is known as one of the largest personal computer and consumer electronic retailers in Japan. You can find a vast majority of high-quality new and secondhand products including electronics, smartphones, gadgets, and tech...
A special report from the Yokohama Arena Hall If you haven’t yet stumbled upon the mesmerizing tunes and infectious energy of Naniwa Danshi, then you’re in for a delightful surprise. Hailing from the Kansai...