Neo-Geo: The Arcade Console

The 1990s are for many people synonymous with the golden age of arcade video games. It was the time of games like Fatal Fury or Metal Slug, which were played on arcade cabinets in bars, shopping malls, and crucially - arcades.
This period was also the time of the success of a very particular console: the Neo-Geo. It was to be found everywhere in arcades and even some people’s homes. Let's have a look at the Neo-Geo consoles and games.

Neo-Geo consoles

The Neo-Geo, designed and developed by the Japanese company SNK Corporation, quickly became one of the most famous products of the brand. First tested in Japan, the Neo-Geo was quickly exported to Europe and the United States, to the delight of video game fans.
The Neo-Geo was released as three distinct consoles. These are the Neo-Geo MVS, its video game system for arcade terminals, the Neo-Geo AES, its home console and the Neo-Geo CD, a home console that works with CDs instead of cartridges.
At the time, Neo-Geo consoles were considered to be a huge achievement in home entertainment technology. However, despite the quality of the consoles, the wide release of home consoles produced by Sony and Sega signaled the end of SNK’s hardware efforts. Today, Neo-Geo games and consoles are real collector's items.

Neo-Geo games

Due to the success of the Neo-Geo game consoles, many video games were created. If most of them were created by SNK itself, some titles were developed by other companies, like Video System, Data East, Saurus or Takara.
Today, the catalogue of games playable on Neo-Geo amounts to more than 200 titles, which was, at the time, a real achievement. Plenty of these games were only released in Japan.
Among the biggest games playable on Neo-Geo, you can find:

  • King of Fighters
  • Fatal Fury
  • Metal Slug
  • Last Blade
  • Sengoku
  • Kizuna Encounter
  • Samurai Shodown
  • Super Sidekicks
  • Prehistoric Isle
  • Burning Fight

Get Neo-Geo games from Japan

Many Neo-Geo games were only released in Japan, and are therefore not available in Europe or the United States. For this reason, many fans do not hesitate to go in search of certain rare Neo-Geo titles in Japan.

At Neokyo, we provide a complete service that simplifies the process of acquiring and importing items from Japan, including Neo Geo consoles and games. You just file a buy request with Neokyo when you identify a Japanese merchant who does not ship worldwide. Here's how it works: After that, we will take care of every part of the transaction, including communicating and making payment arrangements with the seller. When we have made the purchase of the item on your behalf, we are going to wait for it to arrive at our warehouse in Japan. Your property may be stored here for up to 45 days at no further cost to you. This implies that you may purchase many things from various merchants and have them transported to our warehouse, where we can aggregate them into a single shipment and save you money on international shipping costs. You won't have to deal with the hassles of ordering from a Japanese vendor or figuring out how to handle international shipping if you use Neokyo. Our staff will handle everything for you, from the very first step to the very last. As a result, you will be able to kick back, relax, and enjoy your brand-new Super Nintendo games in the knowledge that you purchased a product of superior quality at a price that was within your budget.

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