Play like the good old days with Game and Watch

Today's youth may not know it, but there was a whole world of video game consoles before the appearance of the Game Boy, the Game Boy Color and the PSP. Among all the portable video game consoles, there is of course the Game and Watch, the distant predecessor of the Game Boy, produced by Nintendo from 1980 to 1991.
This console marked a whole generation. And for good reason: it was the first time you could play a video game from anywhere!

The Game and Watch: presentation of the ancestor of the Game Boy

The Game and Watch console was imagined by Gunpei Yokoi, the creator of the Game Boy. He would have had the idea to create a portable game console on the train, seeing his neighbor having fun with a calculator.
Thus, in 1980, the first portable game console in the world was released. The console was a great success with Japanese youth, but also with European and American youth.
The Game and Watch is a small console with basic graphics. It has the same buttons as the future Game Boy: a directional pad with four arrows, an A button, a B button, a start button and a select button. Each Game and Watch console could play only one or two games. Because the devices couldn’t read cartridges, the games were built into the console itself.
The console went through several series and several reissues. A version with two screens, the Game and Watch Multi Screen, would go on to inspire the 2000s portable console, the Nintendo DS.
Note that the Game and Watch's screen, as its name suggests, also served as a watch and alarm clock. The console was originally designed for adults and not for children.

Game and Watch games

While the Game and Watch was originally designed for an adult audience, the popularity of the console with a young Japanese audience led the designers to introduce more colors and more games for the Game and Watch brand.
A variety of Nintendo classics were adapted into Game and Watch titles, such as Mario Bros, Donkey Kong and Zelda.

Where can I get a Game and Watch and Game and Watch games?

Today, the Game and Watch console is a rare item that is highly sought after by many collectors. It is quite easy to find it at specialized retailers. Japan remains the best place to find a Game and Watch console and the electronic games associated with it. Indeed, nearly 30 million copies of this console were sold on the island.

Neokyo can help you buy and import your Game and Watch games into your country. At Neokyo, we provide a complete service that simplifies the process of acquiring and importing items from Japan, including Game and Watch games. You just file a buy request with Neokyo when you identify a Japanese merchant who does not ship worldwide. Here's how it works: After that, we will take care of every part of the transaction, including communicating and making payment arrangements with the seller. When we have made the purchase of the item on your behalf, we are going to wait for it to arrive at our warehouse in Japan. Your property may be stored here for up to 45 days at no further cost to you. This implies that you may purchase many things from various merchants and have them transported to our warehouse, where we can aggregate them into a single shipment and save you money on international shipping costs. You won't have to deal with the hassles of ordering from a Japanese vendor or figuring out how to handle international shipping if you use Neokyo. Our staff will handle everything for you, from the very first step to the very last. As a result, you will be able to kick back, relax, and enjoy your Game and Watch games in the knowledge that you purchased a product of superior quality at a price that was within your budget.


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