Character growth is in! The appeal of “My Hero Academia”

My Hero Academia is a shonen manga created by Kohei Horikoshi and serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump from 2014 to 2024. The story is set in a world where people have supernatural powers (Quirks) and follows the growth of a boy, Midoriya Izuku (Deku), who has no quirk but aspires to become a hero. The work has attracted many fans with its unique worldview and deep portrayal of the characters, and has been made into an anime and a movie, boasting high popularity both in Japan and abroad. This article aims to introduce the appeal of “My Hero Academia” and how to enjoy related goods, and to convey the work’s appeal not only to fans but also to new readers.

©Kohei Horikoshi / Shueisha

Background and Story of the Work

The story takes place in a time when about 80% of the people in the world have supernatural powers called “Quirks“. Heroes are active against villains who use this Quirks to do evil. The main character, Midoriya Izuku, has no Quirks, but has a strong yearning to be a hero. He inherits his personality from the No. 1 hero, All Might, and enrolls in a hero training school, “U.A. High-School”. The story centers on Deku’s growth and the portrayal of hero society. The main characters include Bakugou Katsumi, Todoroki Shoto, and other unique friends, and their growth and struggles are depicted.

Charm of the work

The appeal of “My Hero Academia” lies in the conflict structure between heroes and villains, the themes of character growth, friendship, and effort, and the storytelling and action scenes that draw readers in. Let’s take a closer look at each of these.

The conflict structure between heroes and villains and its depth

In the world of “My Hero Academia,” many people have special abilities called “personalities. These abilities are not necessarily used for justice, but are sometimes used for evil. Conflicts between heroes and villains are therefore inevitable. Many of the villains come from backgrounds where their fates have been distorted by the heroic society or they have taken the path of evil as a result of trying to fill their loneliness. Thus, rather than a simple conflict between good and evil, the film adds depth to the story by depicting the inseparability of good and evil, and by delving into complex issues such as whether villains are included in the scope of righteous acts.

Themes of character growth, friendship, and hard work

The main character, Midoriya Deku (Deku), is a boy who aspires to be a hero despite his lack of character. He grows through hard work and friendship and confronts difficulties together with his friends. The story of Deku’s growth emphasizes to readers the importance of personal growth and effort. His classmates also have their own personalities and backgrounds, and they influence each other as they grow. Themes such as friendship and hard work evoke empathy in readers and add to the story’s appeal.

Storytelling and action scenes that draw readers in

“My Hero Academia” is characterized by its tense storyline and powerful action scenes. In particular, the battle scenes, which make full use of personalities, skillfully depict the characters’ abilities and strategies, drawing readers in. In addition, the characters’ inner lives and growth are carefully depicted through skillful storytelling, adding depth to the narrative. The combination of these elements has kept “My Hero Academia” attracting many fans.

How to Enjoy the Works and Goods

In enjoying manga and anime, related goods are a way to experience the world of the work more deeply. They are also of great value as an opportunity for fans to interact with each other and for the fun of collecting goods. Through the merchandise, you can deepen your attachment to the characters and incorporate the worldview of the work into your daily life.

Examples include figurines, apparel, limited edition comics, art books, and many other types of merchandise.

Merchandise can be purchased at retail stores, online stores, and events, with Japanese stores in particular offering a wide selection. However, popular items may be out of stock, in which case you may want to search the second-hand market.

“My Hero Academia” has attracted many fans with its fascinating story and characters. Understanding the appeal of the work and enjoying it further through related goods will enrich your fan activities. Enjoy the Anime and Manga, and immerse yourself in the world of heroes.